Pretty in Pink
Our Pretty in Pink Bouquet is bursting with Love! Gorgeous soft pink roses in a pink sisal heart, framed by a fab preserved palm leaf, with complimenting seasonal tall stemmed flowers, shown here with campanula and molucella, presented in our craft bouquet box and pretty in pink packaging.
Our bouquets are beautifully presented in Jute fabric, placed in our craft boxes and delivered aqua packed to ensure freshness.
All of our designs are personally made by our experienced florists here at our Floramay studio and delivered by us.
Flower care
- Carefully remove the water bubble and packaging.
- Cut the stems at a sharp angle.
- Place straight into a clean vase of water
- Change the water and re cut the stems every 2 - 4 days.
- Keep away from draught, heat and direct sunlight
(Please note this item is only available in our local delivery area. See our delivery page for more information).